"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places" (Ephesians 6:12)

Back in January, I had a dream that troubled me greatly. I knew it was from the Lord, but I wasn't entirely sure what it meant, or when/if I was supposed to release this to the body of Christ. Today, in wake of this infamous Coronavirus, this word is burning in my heart now more than ever, as I realize that this was in fact a warning about the things we now see unfolding before us. This message is in no way meant to instill fear; we have enough of that. However, I think it's important to expose the plans of the enemy, lay them bare, and invite the Lord to have His way in the earth, because what this dream showed me was that despite what the enemy has released, the body of Christ has been given authority to come against this storm with the decrees of Heaven, for "greater is He that lives in you than he who is in the world" (1 John 4:4).
The Dream
I was zooming down a highway when I noticed this dark, thick storm brewing off to my right. This storm was no normal storm. It seemed alive--supernatural, even. This darkness was so thick it was as if you could cut it with a knife, and it billowed up quickly, as if it was trying to swallow the earth. Perplexed, I watched carefully, and the next thing I saw surprised me. Out of the clouds, I began to see a head of a man take shape, then his body. It looked like a chiseled Roman statue towering high in the clouds, standing hundreds of feet tall. The strangest part of this man was that he was naked, but he used his hand to cover himself. He looked out across the earth, and I watched him open his mouth. When he opened his mouth, I saw a hoard of demons that looked like gargoyles flying out of his mouth by the hundreds. I wasn't fearful, but rather extremely annoyed. "How many of these things could there possibly be?! When is he going to stop? My God!" They came out in droves, and they all stayed gathered near this giant, waiting expectantly and earnestly to be dispatched to wreak havoc on the earth.
That's when I heard something in my car stereo playing that was a direct response from the Lord on this situation. So clearly, as I watched this horrific, overwhelming scene unfold, the song said "LET'S WATCH THESE GIANTS FLEE." Those words were enough to snap me out of the confusion, and I said "Oh, good! The Lord wants to do something about this." Then, I pointed at the giant and began rebuking it angrily and telling it to leave. That's when I woke up.
The Aftermath
Naturally, my first question was "What does this mean?" I've taken on a principality (territorial demonic powers) before, but I had never seen ANYTHING like this. This looked similar to prophecies you might read about in the book of Daniel or Revelations--full of strange, somewhat cryptic pictures that resounded with eternal significance. Not knowing what to do with what I had seen, I waited. I told some others about this to attempt to get clarity. Most were just as perplexed. One used the dream to prophesy over me in relation to the Lord's assignment for my life. It confirmed quite a bit, but I still didn't feel that I captured the essence of this dream, so I continued to wait.
It wasn't until today after reading another prophetic word from someone else about how they also saw a demonic hoard in relation to this virus that I began to connect the dots. During this waiting, the Lord also kept reminding me of the verse in Isaiah: "Arise [from spiritual depression to a new life], shine [be radiant with the glory and brilliance of the Lord]; for your light has come, and the glory and brilliance of the Lord has risen upon you. For in fact, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness will cover the peoples; but the Lord will rise upon you and His glory and brilliance will be seen on you" (Isaiah 60:1-2). When He first brought this verse to my attention, I didn't associate it to the dream or the virus at all. Now I'm seeing it everywhere I turn.
I realized through this fascinating journey of discovery that, yes, while the Prince of the Power of the Air is attempting to take the world by storm and covering the nations with thick darkness, that his plans will not prosper. The Lord wants to use His people to take authority over darkness, over all the plans of the enemy, and to be His Light in the midst of global darkness. We were born for such a time as this.
What Can We Do?
Now that we can see clearly the plans of the enemy, it's time to put off dread, fear, and despair, and to burn with holy desire to see the Bride of Christ rise up in her authority. For "all of creation waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God’s sons to be made known [waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship]" and "we know that the whole creation has been moaning together in the pains of labor until now" (Romans 8:19 & 22)
To this, I ask:
Where are the Lord's Watchmen?
Where are the Lord's Intercessors?
Where are the Lord's true Prophets?
It's not only time to "rise and shine," but it's time to wake up and fight the good fight of faith. I see those that will rise up and tell the darkness "Not MY city!" "Not MY nation!" "Not on MY watch!" We will not succumb to the enemy's plans of fear and to throw nations into confusion and chaos, but let us take our place, seated with Christ in heavenly places, with the name that is above every name, to partner with Him in a life that is consecrated to His voice alone and His heart alone.
Pray this with me:
"Lord, thank you that you've already executed righteous judgement against this disease by condemning it in Your own flesh. As your body, we stand together and come against the storm that's covering the nations, and we cancel this assignment in Jesus name. We break agreement with fear, and choose to be filled with your Holy Spirit. Make us more sensitive to your Spirit--Your Voice--and flood our hearts with your light. Let the only weight we feel be the weight of your glory resting on our lives and not the weight of despair. Teach us to pray, and teach us how you wage war. Cause your infectious hope to arise within us and renew our minds to think and see like you do. Change our perspective to look more like yours so that we can walk boldly in your will in this hour, fearing nothing, and fully armed in the armor of God.
In Jesus's name, Amen!
*Side note, if you want to hear the song I heard in my dream, I'll post it here. It's called "Explode My Soul" by Melissa Helser. The other songs I'm posting along side this one are just good songs for your prayer time regarding this issue. Let it fill you with the zeal of the Lord!*